Climate Finance for Agriculture Learning Event, 14-17 2019
Why this event?
Across the confederation a significant number of Oxfam country colleagues are working on policy and on programs to secure more and better access to finance for women small scale producers. Globally too we seek to raise awareness for more support for the most impacted. This event was the first time we were able to come together to learn from each other’s experiences, to hear from external experts1, and to begin to think about opportunities for future influencing efforts. In all our climate and agriculture financing work we aim to ensure that women small scale farmers, vulnerable groups, and youth are empowered to engage in and are benefiting from policies/projects supported by agriculture finance (including domestic budgets and the 10% commitment), loss & damage finance, and adaptation finance. As a group we left Addis feeling that this work is more important than ever and with new networks, knowledge and connections we know that we can scale up both our reach and impact moving forward.
Why this document?
A full document representing our shared learnings will be the primary output of this meeting. This document does not aim for a full summary but rather it aims to communicate the highlights from the presentations and discussions that took place in Addis Ababa.
What did we learn?
The event was a first step of a longer journey to connect programmes and policy colleagues from across the globe who are focused on this work and draw on their wealth of experience from the local, regional, national and international levels of our work. Participants represented countries/regions/OI teams working on different aspects of social accountability that ultimately aim to ensure that real people (including vulnerable groups, women, youth) are empowered to engage and are benefiting from and not harmed by policies / projects supported by agriculture finance (including domestic budgets and the 10% commitment), loss & damage finance, and adaptation finance.
Our learning and discussions centred around a few key thematic areas;
1. Local to National to Global Level Influencing
2. Budget Monitoring & Advocacy
3. Constituency Engagement and Alliance Building
4. Identifying areas requiring further attention and follow-up
The lessons of this event will be documented and shared widely through a learning document later this Summer! This document should serve as a resource base with experiences, lessons learned and useful tools for anyone working on the accountability of climate finance in the agriculture sector.