Scorecard 2019-Women's Land Rights in Africa

The WLRIDGA[1] project is a 3-year project funded by the EU, the International Land Coalition (ILC) and other Oxfam’s matching funds. Oxfam Novib is the lead applicant together with co-applicants Oxfam International, PLAAS[2] and PROPAC[3]

The project has released its Scorecard on Women Land Rights at a time when the African Union’s (AU) Continental Nutrition Accountability Scorecard is gaining grounds in Africa.

The scorecard measures how committed governments are to women’s lands rights in each country, compares how women are confronting their governments about land rights, how women are handling issues on land and it also shares the developments from efforts by women to tackle their land rights issues.

Additionally, this publication operates on five themes which are evaluated to get the respective country’s scores on matters of women and land. These countries are Cameroon; Ethiopia; Kenya; Malawi; Mozambique; South Africa; and Togo.

This happens as actors around the globe continue to shade more light on the yet to be realisation of absolute food, health, environment and other human securities.

In our annual report, the scorecard is seen as a monitoring tool for women’s land rights enabling actors to hold governments responsible at the top of the national and continental agenda. Stakeholders work in unison to align their scorecards with AU’s commitments that are being implemented across the globe.

Although most countries have made progress in implementing policies to empower women’s land rights, as it stands, there is still much work awaiting which could otherwise be fastened to allow women benefit from the enactment of these laws.


[1] Women’s Land Rights for Inclusive Development and Growth in Africa

[2] Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies of the University of Western Cape – South Africa

[3] Plateforme Régional des Organisations Paysannes de l’Afrique Centrale

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