Open Letter from 198 African civil society organizations ahead of the 2022 African Union Humanitarian Summit and Pledging Conference

Monday, May 23, 2022

English Version

18 May 2022

H. E. Moussa Faki Mahamat

Chairperson, African Union Commission

Re: Open Letter from 198 African civil society organizations

Your Excellency,

We the under-signed civil society organizations engaged in humanitarian responses across the African continent alongside AU member states, write ahead of the 2022 African Union Humanitarian Summit and Pledging Conference to request your support in advancing the localization of humanitarian aid in Africa. We hope that you will celebrate the important contributions of African civil society organizations to addressing humanitarian needs and encourage donors to make pledges that support localization of humanitarian aid.

Humanitarian needs in Africa are being exacerbated by climate related disasters that are on the rise, political conflicts and the economic impacts of Covid-19. We have seen reverses in development progress in health, education, food security, nutrition and agriculture. As the AU works to rally increased support to address urgent needs, the important role being played by African NGOs and their potential to do much more should be at the forefront of discussions.

Indeed, a large number of African NGOs are actively engaged in responding to humanitarian emergencies alongside AU members states across the continent. These organizations take a variety of forms, including grassroots, community-based, refugee-led, youth-led, women-led and women’s rights organizations. They and play a critical role in ensuring that humanitarian aid is efficient, effective, and informed by the needs and priorities of African crises-affected communities. 

The global humanitarian system is dominated by UN agencies, international NGOs and Global North donors. The planned establishment of the African Union Humanitarian Agency is one important initiative to help change the way the humanitarian system operates, and to ensure Africa plays a central role in strengthening coordination and leadership. Supporting localization of aid response—that is for African NGOs and member state governments, from national to local levels, to engage in and lead humanitarian response—also aligns with the AU mantra, African solutions to African problems. Humanitarian action led by national organizations and governments is more cost-efficient, appropriate, timely and effective.

We, the undersigned organizations, collectively call on you in your capacity as Chairperson of the African Union Commission to:

Celebrate in any summit remarks the important role of African NGOs, working alongside member states, in responding to humanitarian crises and convey the commitment of the AU to provide leadership and technical support to advance the localization of humanitarian aid.

Convey the support of the AU for the Grand Bargain and call for donors and international organizations to meet their commitments under it, including to ensure that at least 25% of all humanitarian funding goes to local and national actors. 

Call on member states to support and advocate for African NGOs working in the humanitarian sector. AU member states have an important role to play in creating a conducive environment that supports the contributions of African NGOs in the humanitarian sector. The AU should encourage member states to support the localization of humanitarian aid by creating conducive policy environments that facilitate humanitarian operations by African NGOs, including by passing domestic policies and legislation that further localization and hold international Grand Bargain signatories to account for their commitments. 

Encourage the AUC Department of Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development to deepen engagement with African NGOs working in the humanitarian sector, by increasing opportunities for them to contribute to and support humanitarian policy and programmatic initiatives, including through partnerships with the AUC.

Convey your commitment to ensuring that the AU Humanitarian Agency includes representation from African NGOs in its leadership; supports the capacity of African NGOs and provides them with funding; and creates opportunities for engaging with and receiving feedback from communities directly affected by humanitarian crises.

Remind member states of the actions they can take to prevent and mitigate crises such as: facilitating the work and operations of African NGOs in the humanitarian sector; allocating 10% of national budgets to agriculture and 15% to health in line with AU policies; strengthening social protection systems and ratifying the Protocol to the African Charter on the Rights of Citizens to Social Protection and Social Security; allocating at least 1.5% of GDP towards humanitarian action; and themselves providing funds to meet humanitarian needs.

Call for increased coordination among AU organs and AUC departments to ensure humanitarian engagements are coordinated and aligned with AU peace, security and development initiatives.

During the summit, we are planning to convene and participate in a side event on the localization of humanitarian aid and to make our own pledge towards supporting and leading effective humanitarian action on the continent. We hope that the summit will galvanize new energies and support to improve humanitarian action in Africa.

We remain available to discuss any of the above recommendations. Please be assured of our highest consideration, and our commitment to help make the upcoming summit a success.

Signed by the 198 organizations listed below.

French Version

18 mai 2022

H. E. Moussa Faki Mahamat

Président de la Commission de l’Union africaine 

Re : Lettre ouverte de 198 organisations de la société civile africaine

Votre Excellence, 

Nous, les organisations de la société civile soussignées, engagées dans des réponses humanitaires à travers le continent africain aux côtés des États membres de l’UA, vous écrivons avant le Sommet humanitaire et la Conférence des donateurs de l’Union africaine de 2022 pour solliciter votre soutien afin de faire progresser la localisation de l’aide humanitaire en Afrique. Nous espérons que vous célébrerez les importantes contributions des organisations de la société civile africaine pour répondre aux besoins humanitaires et que vous encouragerez les donateurs à faire des promesses de dons qui soutiennent la localisation de l’aide humanitaire. 

Les besoins humanitaires en Afrique sont exacerbés par les catastrophes climatiques qui sont en augmentation, les conflits politiques et les impacts économiques de Covid-19. Nous avons constaté des revers dans les progrès du développement en matière de santé, d’éducation, de sécurité alimentaire, de nutrition et d’agriculture. Alors que l’UA s’efforce de mobiliser un soutien accru pour répondre aux besoins urgents, le rôle important joué par les ONG africaines et leur potentiel à faire beaucoup plus doivent être au premier plan des discussions. 

En effet, un grand nombre d’ONG africaines sont activement engagées dans la réponse aux urgences humanitaires aux côtés des États membres de l’UA à travers le continent. Ces organisations prennent des formes diverses, notamment des organisations de base, communautaires, de réfugiés, de jeunes, de femmes et de défense des droits des femmes. Elles jouent un rôle essentiel en veillant à ce que l’aide humanitaire soit efficiente, efficace et fondée sur les besoins et les priorités des communautés africaines touchées par les crises. 

Le système humanitaire mondial est dominé par les agences des Nations unies, les ONG internationales et les donateurs du Nord. La création prévue de l’Agence humanitaire de l’Union africaine est une initiative importante pour contribuer à changer le mode de fonctionnement du système humanitaire et pour garantir que l’Afrique joue un rôle central dans le renforcement de la coordination et du leadership. Soutenir la localisation de la réponse à l’aide – c’est-à-dire permettre aux ONG et aux gouvernements des États membres africains, du niveau national au niveau local, de s’engager dans la réponse humanitaire et de la diriger – s’aligne également sur le mantra de l’UA, à savoir des solutions africaines aux problèmes africains. L’action humanitaire menée par les organisations nationales et les gouvernements est plus rentable, appropriée, opportune et efficace. 

Nous, les organisations soussignées, vous demandons collectivement, en votre qualité de Président de la Commission de l’Union africaine, de : 

Célébrer, lors de tout discours au sommet, le rôle important des ONG africaines, travaillant aux côtés des États membres, dans la réponse aux crises humanitaires et transmettre l’engagement de l’UA à fournir un leadership et un soutien technique pour faire progresser la localisation de l’aide humanitaire.

Transmettre le soutien de l’UA au Grand Bargain et appeler les donateurs et les organisations internationales à respecter les engagements qu’ils ont pris dans ce cadre, notamment en veillant à ce qu’au moins 25% de l’ensemble du financement humanitaire aille aux acteurs locaux et nationaux. 

Appeler les Etats membres à soutenir et à défendre les ONG africaines travaillant dans le secteur humanitaire. Les États membres de l’UA ont un rôle important à jouer dans la création d’un environnement propice qui soutient les contributions des ONG africaines dans le secteur humanitaire. L’UA doit encourager les États membres à soutenir la localisation de l’aide humanitaire en créant des environnements politiques favorables qui facilitent les opérations humanitaires des ONG africaines, notamment en adoptant des politiques et des législations nationales qui favorisent la localisation et qui obligent les signataires internationaux du Grand Bargain à rendre compte de leurs engagements. 

Encourager le département de la santé, des affaires humanitaires et du développement social de la CUA à approfondir l’engagement avec les ONG africaines travaillant dans le secteur humanitaire, en augmentant les possibilités pour elles de contribuer et de soutenir les initiatives de politiques et de programmes humanitaires, notamment par le biais de partenariats avec la CUA. 

Faites part de votre engagement à faire en sorte que l’Agence humanitaire de l’UA comprenne une représentation des ONG africaines à sa tête, qu’elle soutienne les capacités des ONG africaines et leur fournisse des financements, et qu’elle crée des opportunités pour s’engager auprès des communautés directement touchées par les crises humanitaires et recevoir leurs réactions. 

Rappeler aux États membres les mesures qu’ils peuvent prendre pour prévenir et atténuer les crises, notamment : faciliter le travail et les opérations des ONG africaines dans le secteur humanitaire ; allouer 10% des budgets nationaux à l’agriculture et 15% à la santé, conformément aux politiques de l’UA ; renforcer les systèmes de protection sociale et ratifier le Protocole à la Charte africaine des droits des citoyens à la protection sociale et à la sécurité sociale ; allouer au moins 1,5% du PIB à l’action humanitaire ; et fournir eux-mêmes des fonds pour répondre aux besoins humanitaires. 

Appeler à une coordination accrue entre les organes de l’UA et les départements de la CUA pour s’assurer que les engagements humanitaires sont coordonnés et alignés sur les initiatives de paix, de sécurité et de développement de l’UA.

Au cours du sommet, nous prévoyons d’organiser et de participer à un événement parallèle sur la localisation de l’aide humanitaire et de prendre notre propre engagement pour soutenir et diriger une action humanitaire efficace sur le continent. Nous espérons que le sommet galvanisera de nouvelles énergies et un soutien pour améliorer l’action humanitaire en Afrique. 

Nous restons disponibles pour discuter de l’une ou l’autre des recommandations ci-dessus. Soyez assurés de notre plus grande considération et de notre engagement à contribuer au succès du prochain sommet.

Signé par les 198 organisations énumérées ci-dessous. 

Portuguese Version

18 de Maio de 2022

H. E. Moussa Faki Mahamat

Presidente da Comissão da União Africana

Re: Carta Aberta de 198 organizações da sociedade civil africana

Vossa Excelência,

Nós, as organizações da sociedade civil com pouca assinatura envolvidas em respostas humanitárias em todo o continente africano ao lado dos Estados membros da UA, escrevemos antes da Cimeira Humanitária da União Africana de 2022 e da Conferência de Promessas para solicitar o vosso apoio no avanço da localização da ajuda humanitária em África. Esperamos que celebre as importantes contribuições das organizações da sociedade civil africana para a resposta às necessidades humanitárias e encorajamos os doadores a fazer promessas que apoiem a localização da ajuda humanitária.

As necessidades humanitárias em África estão a ser exacerbadas pelos desastres relacionados com o clima que estão a aumentar, pelos conflitos políticos e pelos impactos económicos do Covid-19. Assistimos a inversões no progresso do desenvolvimento em matéria de saúde, educação, segurança alimentar, nutrição e agricultura. Uma vez que a UA trabalha no sentido de aumentar o apoio para responder a necessidades urgentes, o importante papel desempenhado pelas ONG africanas e o seu potencial para fazer muito mais deveria estar na linha da frente das discussões.

De facto, um grande número de ONG africanas estão activamente empenhadas em responder a emergências humanitárias ao lado dos Estados membros da UA em todo o continente. Estas organizações assumem diversas formas, incluindo organizações de base, de base comunitária, lideradas por refugiados, lideradas por jovens, lideradas por mulheres e organizações de defesa dos direitos das mulheres. Desempenham um papel crucial em assegurar que a ajuda humanitária seja eficiente, eficaz, e informada pelas necessidades e prioridades das comunidades africanas afectadas por crises.

O sistema humanitário global é dominado por agências da ONU, ONGs internacionais e doadores do Norte Global. A planeada criação da Agência Humanitária da União Africana é uma iniciativa importante para ajudar a mudar a forma como o sistema humanitário funciona, e para assegurar que África desempenhe um papel central no reforço da coordenação e da liderança. Apoiar a localização da resposta humanitária – isto é, que as ONG africanas e os governos dos estados membros, desde o nível nacional ao local, se envolvam e liderem a resposta humanitária – também se alinha com o mantra da UA, soluções africanas para os problemas africanos. A acção humanitária liderada por organizações e governos nacionais é mais rentável, apropriada, oportuna e eficaz.

Nós, as organizações abaixo assinadas, apelamos colectivamente, na sua qualidade de Presidente da Comissão da União Africana, para que o faça:

Celebrar em qualquer cimeira o importante papel das ONG africanas, trabalhando ao lado dos Estados membros, na resposta a crises humanitárias e transmitir o compromisso da UA em providenciar liderança e apoio técnico para fazer avançar a localização da ajuda humanitária.

Transmitir o apoio da UA à Grande Pechincha e apelar aos doadores e organizações internacionais para que cumpram os seus compromissos no âmbito da mesma, incluindo assegurar que pelo menos 25% de todo o financiamento humanitário vá para os actores locais e nacionais.

Apelar aos Estados membros para que apoiem e defendam as ONG africanas que trabalham no sector humanitário. Os Estados membros da UA têm um papel importante a desempenhar na criação de um ambiente propício que apoie as contribuições das ONG africanas no sector humanitário. A UA deve encorajar os Estados membros a apoiar a localização da ajuda humanitária, criando ambientes políticos favoráveis que facilitem as operações humanitárias das ONG africanas, incluindo a aprovação de políticas e legislação interna que promovam a localização e responsabilizem os signatários internacionais do Grande Acordo de Barganha pelos seus compromissos.

Incentivar o Departamento de Saúde, Assuntos Humanitários e Desenvolvimento Social da CUA a aprofundar o compromisso com as ONG africanas que trabalham no sector humanitário, aumentando as oportunidades para que estas contribuam e apoiem iniciativas programáticas e políticas humanitárias, incluindo através de parcerias com a CUA.

Transmita o seu empenho em assegurar que a Agência Humanitária da UA inclua a representação de ONG africanas na sua liderança; apoie a capacidade das ONG africanas e proporcione-lhes financiamento; e crie oportunidades para se envolverem e receberem feedback das comunidades directamente afectadas por crises humanitárias.

Relembre aos Estados membros as acções que podem tomar para prevenir e mitigar crises tais como: facilitar o trabalho e operações das ONGs africanas no sector humanitário; afectar 10% dos orçamentos nacionais à agricultura e 15% à saúde em conformidade com as políticas da UA; reforçar os sistemas de protecção social e ratificar o Protocolo à Carta Africana dos Direitos dos Cidadãos à Protecção Social e Segurança Social; afectar pelo menos 1,5% do PIB à acção humanitária; e eles próprios fornecerem fundos para satisfazer necessidades humanitárias.

Apelo a uma maior coordenação entre os órgãos da UA e os departamentos da CUA para assegurar que os compromissos humanitários sejam coordenados e alinhados com as iniciativas de paz, segurança e desenvolvimento da UA.

Durante a cimeira, estamos a planear reunir e participar num evento paralelo sobre a localização da ajuda humanitária e a assumir o nosso próprio compromisso de apoiar e liderar uma acção humanitária eficaz no continente. Esperamos que a cimeira galvanize novas energias e apoio para melhorar a acção humanitária em África.

Continuamos disponíveis para discutir qualquer uma das recomendações acima referidas. Por favor, estejam certos da nossa maior consideração, e do nosso empenho em ajudar a tornar a próxima cimeira um sucesso.

Assinado pelas 198 organizações listadas abaixo:


African Movement for Sustainable Development and Culture of Peace (MADSCP)

Burkina Faso:

Actions Concertées pour un Développement Humain Durable

Alliance Technique d’Assistance au Développement




Food and Rural Development Foundation (FORUDEF)

Democratic Republic of Congo:

Action des Volontaires pour la Solidarité et le Développement


Africa Reconciled (AR)


Aides aux Personnes Démunies (APED

Association de Développement pour la Paix et la Reconstruction en République Démocratique du Congo (ADPR-RDC asbl)

Association pour le Développement Social et la Sauvegarde de l’Environnement (ADSSE)

Bureau Oecuménique d’Appui au Développement (BOAD)

Children’s Voice




Laissez L’Afrique Vivre (LAV)

Management système


Programme d’assistance aux Populations Vulnérables en Afrique (PAPV-AFRIQUE)

Réseau de la charte pour le changement en RDC (C4C-RDC)


Réseau des Association Congolaises des Jeunes (RACOJ Nord-Kivu)

Union des groupes d’études et d’actions pour le développement de Fizi-Itombwe (UGEAFI)


Union pour la Promotion/Protection, la Défense des Droits Humains et de l’Environnement-UPDDHE


Afar Community Initiative Sustainable Development Association (ACISDA)

Bethsaida Charity Organization

Coalition of Civil Societies for Ethiopians “CoCSE”

Consortium of Christian Relief and Development Association (CCRDA)    

Consortium of Ethiopian Human Rights Organizations (CEHRO)

Emela Association

Empathy for Life integrated Development Association (ELiDA)


Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church Child and Family Affairs Organization (EOTC-CFAO)

Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church Development and Inter- Church Aid Commission (EOTC-DICAC)

Family Service Association

Fana Addis Tiwulid Ethiopia

FAWE Ethiopia chapter

Gambella Children and Community Development Organization

Gelgela Integrated Community Development Organization (GICDO)

Good Samaritan

Hadiya Youth Association (HYA)

Jerusalem Children and Community Development Organization (JeCCDO)

Know My Generation

Model Africa Union-Ethiopia

Mujejeguwa Loka Women Development Association

Network of Ethiopian Women’s Associations

New Millennium Women Empowerment Organization /NMWEO/

New Vision in Development Association


Oromia Rural Development Organization

Peace and Development Ethiopia

Quman Women Development Association

Saved To Save

SESEDA Social & Economic Development Association (SESEDA)

Strategies for Northern Development

Tarkanfi Sustainable Development

Women Can Do It

Women Empowerment -Action


Eden Spring of Hope

Social Education Development And Rural Volunteers Programme (SEDARVP)

Ivory Coast:

Cine connexion Promouvoir les droits de l’homme par le Cinéma et la culture




Caritas Meru-The Social Development arm of the Catholic Diocese of Meru

Child Fund International

Dignified Children International

Local Initiatives Development Agency (LIDA)

Pokot Women Empowerment Organisation (POWEO)

Refugee-Led Organization Network of Kenya (RELON-KENYA)

Relief Reconstruction and Development Organization

SAPCONE-Sustainable Approaches for community Empowerment

Sikom Peace Network for Development (SIKOM)

TINADA Youth Organization (TiYO)

Womankind Kenya


National Commission for Justice Peace and Caritas

Community Healthcare Initiative (CHI)


Catholic Development Commission (Caritas Malawi)

Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP)




Associacao Socio – Cultural Horizonte Azul

Conselho cristao de Mocambique- Delegacao  de  Inhambane


KULIMA -Organismo para o Desenvolvimento socioeconómico integrado


Associação para o Desenvolvimento das Comunidades Rurais – ADCR

Hikone Mocambique

MAHAHLE-Associacao para a promocao e desenvolvimento da Mulher



Nigeria :


Against All Odds Foundation (AGAOF)

Aid Initiative to support Vulnerable and Idle people

Ambassadors of Dialogue Climate and Reintegration (DCR Ambassadors)

Begs House Foundation

Care for the Physically Challenged and Destitute Foundation (CAPCADF).

Catholic Caritas Foundation of Nigeria (Caritas Nigeria)

Centre for women studies and Interventions (CWSI)

Christian Rural and Urban Development Association of Nigeria  (CRUDAN)

Community Health, Justice and Peace Initiative for Development (JDPH)

Core-Aid and Community Resilience Initiative (CACRI)

Endam Home of Hope


Environmental Conflict Mediation and Women Development Initiative

E-Pearls of Africa

Gender And Community Empowerment Initiative (GECOME)

Gender and Environmental Risk Reduction Initiative (GERI)

Gender Equality Peace and Development Centre (GEPaDC)

Great Step Initiative

Hope for Future Generation Initiative Taraba

Initiative for Research, Innovation and Advocacy in Development

Jireh Doo Foundation (JDF)

Life Helpers Initiative

Local Communities Development Initiative (LOCDIN)

Marrietta Aids Relief Foundation

Network of Disabled women

Nkafamiya Rescue Mission

Oasis of Restoration Foundation

Ohaha Family Foundation

One Voice Initiative for Women and Children Emancipation (OVIWCE)

Precious Pride and Great Work Foundation (PPGW)

Roadmap for Women and Youth Development (RAWYOD)

Save the Future of Children Initiative (SAFIN)



Women Environment and Youth Development Initiative-WOYODE

Women in Humanitarian Response in Nigeria Initiative Network (WIHRINI)

Women’s Right to Education Programme


Slum and Rural Health Initiative-Rwanda (SRHIN-RWANDA)


Réseau des associations pour la protection de l’environnement et la nature (RAPEN)




Network Against FGM in Somaliland

Candlelight for Environment, Education and Health (Candlelight)

South Africa:

Whole World Women Association (WWWA)

South Sudan:

Child’s Destiny and Development Organization (CHIDDO)

Titi Foundation

Charity and Empowerment Foundation (CEF)

A Women Vision

Rural Initiative for Peace and Development Organization

Nile Hope

Rural Women for Development South Sudan

Pilgrims of Hope (POH)

Alternative Poverty Eradication Bureau For Africa (Apeba)

Central African Republic:

SOS CIVISME Central African Republic




Action de Lutte Contre la Désertification et la Malnutrition dans le Kanem.

Association des Médiateurs pour la paix et le développement


Collectif culturel des jeunes pour le progrès social-CCJPS



Caritas Africa



Africa Refugee Led Network

African women and Youth Action for Development (AYWAD)


Agency For Accelerated Regional Development (AFARD)

Alternative Poverty Eradication Bureau For Africa (Apeba)


Care and Assistance for forced Migrants (CAFOMI

Community Empowerment for Creative Innovation- CECI

Community Empowerment for Rural Development (CEFORD)

Down Syndrome Foundation Uganda

ELOHIM Development Association

Girl Up Initiative Uganda

Human Rights Defenders Solidarity Network

Joint Effort to Save the Environment (JESE)

Mukisa Foundation


One Youth One Heart Initiative

Partners in Community Transformation-PICOT

People Empowering People

Refugee Active Peace Building Initiative (RAPBI)

Refugee Entrepreneurship Association Limited (REAL)

Refugee-Led Organization Network (RELON-Uganda)


Somali Women Union in Uganda


Support for Peace and Education Development Program (SPEDP

Vision Teso Rural Development Organization (Vision TERUDO)

Western Uganda Humanitarian Platform

World Voices Uganda (WVU)



Civil Society SDGs Campaign GCAP


Africa AHEAD


Community Water Alliance

Hope for a Child in Christ (HOCIC)

World Aid Foundation




African Youth Peer Review Committee, Liberia, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Sierra leone, Sudan, DRC, Ghana, Lesotho, Cameroon.

Amplify Girls, East Africa – Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda

I CAN South Sudan, Uganda and South Sudan

WASDA, Kenya and Somali

Youth Social Advocacy Team (YSAT), Uganda and South Sudan