Transformative Leadership on Women Rights Training Manual on Women Land Rights

The project developed a ToT manual on transformative leadership for women’s land rights. The manual called ‘Keepers of Land’ –Transformative Leadership for African Women’s Land Rights’ is designed to reinforce the feminist movement by strengthening and organising civil society for gender justice and rights.
This manual went through an iterative process of validation that was part of the agenda of the training week on transformative leadership and advocacy.
The project through Oxfam organised an intensive long week training that sought to equip implementing partners with skills on advocacy for the project. The training focused primarily on Transformative Leadership for Women Land Rights and helped the participants gain a deeper understanding of women’s land rights, the challenges and opportunities and developed a common and concrete understanding of TLWR in the context of the women’s land rights.
The ToT Manual continues to be used as a guide by the trainers in facilitating the TLWR replication
trainings in project countries.