Oxfam Pan Africa strategy 2017-2020 snapshot
Oxfam Pan Africa strategy 2017-2020 snapshot
Our engagements incorporate gender analysis and put women at the centre of our influencing. We ensure youth are particularly empowered and targeted in our programmes. We focus on ensuring increased reach to the public, building citizens’ base and support towards championing for pertinent issues in their society. Some of the advocacy tools include but are not limited to: vibrant social media and web-based campaigning, information sharing, innovative mainstream media programmes and contests. We play the role of a facilitator and catalyst for change by enabling citizens’ movements and organized civil society all-over Africa to have their own identity and lead change. We create regional and continental spaces and platforms, form alliances and provide technical and financial support working with our internal stakeholders at national, regional, continental and global levels. We work directly with key institutions that have been identified as the drivers of change to ensure that policies and programmes are people cantered and are increasingly accountable and transparent to all stakeholders.