Policy papers

E.g., 03/07/2025
E.g., 03/07/2025
Soldiers on patrol in Masasi, North Kivu in Democratic Republic of Congo
Kilio Cha Mabadiliko project focused on Sexual and Gender based Violence (SGBV) issues across communities in Nigeria, South Sudan and Egypt and fostered interaction with regional policy processes. The project was guided by the assertion that SGBV is used as a tactic of war during conflict, and also...
Isha Mabiang, a vendor at Sidiga market- Kinshasa
This report documents the work, initiatives and achievements of the Pan Africa Programme (PAP) over the past two years –2014 and 2015. The report, among other things, showcases and profiles the work of PAP and how it contributes to Oxfam’s change goals, in addition to assessing Oxfam’s contribution...
Elizabeth Bagra is a fish vendor at sidiga market in Kinshasa
In July 2000 African leaders adopted the Constitutive Act of the African Union creating the African Union they expressed a determination to take up the multifaceted challenges that confront the continent and its peoples in the light of changes taking place in the world. Africans Act 4 Africa (AA4A...
Oxfam International Pap Annual Report
2008-2009: In 2008, Oxfam’s Intermon, America, Novib and Great Britain successfully inspired the Confederation to establish the first Oxfam International Advocacy Office on a southern multi-lateral target-the African Union. This report captures the progress of the 2009 Joint Operational Plan.
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