Join Our Campaigns

Children in a camp of Internally Displaced Persons in South Sudan
Oxfam Pan Africa is committed to driving the root causes to conflict, gender injustice and corruption in Africa.
Our campaigns seek to stir up conversations that allow communities to participate and enjoy the rightful benefits of Africa’s economic growth in a sustainable way.
Oxfam Pan Africa Programme campaigning significantly shifts its approach towards catalysing change. Our campaigns and influencing voice seeks to engage citizens and African states to see an Africa that is self-reliant, democratic, peaceful, and responsive to the rights and development needs of its citizens.To achieve this, PAP works together with partners (including Oxfam’s country and regional programmes) and citizens towards steering Oxfam International Campaigns in Africa. Oxfam Pan Africa 2017- 2020 strategy deepens our understanding of the Africa we want to see in 2020, and unmasks our strategic shifts towards collaboration with countries; think tanks, alliances and networks to enhance our influence and impact at scale worldwide. At PAP, we provide Oxfam Country and regional offices the access and platform to lobby and influence at the African Union, regional economic blocs and pan African governance and development institutions and spaces. Our campaigns call national governments, citizens, regional and public institutions to account including compliance to national, regional and global policies, laws and frameworks.
Kilimanjaro Women Land Rights Campaign
The Kilimanjaro rural Women Land Rights Campaign is part of the global Women Land Rights initiatives that targets increasing the pressure and awareness on access to land ownership. The campaign was launched in October 2016 when over 1,000 women from Senegal, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda and Burundi women from across Africa. A charter of demands on rights to land was developed, signed and presented by a representative of the Africa Rural Women’s Assembly to Africa Union Commission (AUC) officials on the last day of the mass assembly. Follow the Global Women Land Rights story!
Take Action Against Corruption
The African Union declared 2018 as “the African Anti-Corruption Year”, as such this and the second Summit of July 2018, will be held under the theme: “Winning the Fight Against Corruption: A Sustainable Path to Africa’s Transformation.” Oxfam International Pan Africa commends the initiative by the African Union and has launched the social media campaign #TakeActionAgainstCorruption to drive and shape citizen’s conversations and action towards fighting corruption at a personal level. We are hosting public forums and conversations with the broader civil society, engaging governments and pushing for more support to the Africa Union Anti-Corruption Board.
Oxfam International Pan Africa commends the initiative by the African Union to declare 2018 as “The African Anti-Corruption Year” and has launched the social media campaign #TakeActionAgainstCorruption to drive and shape citizen’s conversations and action towards fighting corruption. Read our Memorandum to the AU Summit 2018